Centro de Tecnologías para la Academia - CTA: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 95
Pedagogical guidelines for the creation of adaptive digital educational resources: A review of the literature
(Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2019-02) -
Open Teaching: a New Way on E-learning?
(The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2017-03) -
Open Assessment of Learning: A Meta-Synthesis
(InternationalReview of Research in Open andDistributed Learning, 2016-12) -
Emerging technologies in education: a teacher training experience that encourages the design of learning environments
(Educação & Sociedade, 2013-06) -
Modelos para la integración pedagógica de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: una revisión de la literatura
(Ensaio Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação, 2019-03) -
Digital footprints (2005–2019): a systematic mapping of studies in education
(Interactive Learning Environments, 2020-09-17) -
ICT-Driven Writing and Motor Skills: A Review
(International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2020-06-20) -
Models of didactic integration with ICT mediation: some innovation challenges in teaching practices
(Culture and Education, 2020-09-14) -
Representation of knowledge in digital educational environments: A systematic review of literature
(Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2019-08-24) -
Didactic use of educational video games for the teaching social sciences: a state of the art
(Revista de Educación PAIDEIA, 2020-02-09) -
Revisión bibliográfica de la aplicación de la metodología DEA en Colombia por actividad económica
(Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2016-06-27) -
Graffiti as a Communication Artifact within Cities: a State of the Art
(Encuentros, 2017-01) -
Open teaching as a strategy for training in research competences in Higher Education
(Revista Científica, 2016-10-20) -
Pedagogie of Viable Creativity: a Way to Potentiate the Critical Thinking
(Opción, 2015-09-01) -
Las fragilidades de la innovación educativa
(Revista Espacios, 2020-01-10) -
Open Educational Practices: a learning way beyond free access knowledge
(Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas Em Educação, 2017-06-19) -
Educommunication in digital environments: an interaction´s perspective inside and beyond the classroom
(Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 2020-06-01) -
(Didáctica y Educación, 2017-10-14) -
TIC and problem based learning as meaningful agents in the competence development
(Index Enferm, 2009-03)