Centro de Tecnologías para la Academia - CTA: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 95
Learning about social determinants of health through chronicles, using a virtual learning environment
(Rev. salud pública, 2016) -
Persistence in the imitation of innovations in products in the manufacturing industry of Colombia
(Contaduría y administración, 2019) -
Learning in the openness: the lost way of the MOOC
(Digital Education Review, 2020) -
M-Learning in Higher Education in Colombia: an application case
(EPFA Colombiana, 2021) -
Supporting student cognitive and agentic engagement: Students’ voices
(International Journal of Educational Research, 2019) -
Rethinking 21st century schools: the quest for lifelong learning ecosystems
(Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação, 2020) -
Traits and trends of Teaching with ICT: challenges from the new ecology of learning
(Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia), 12/12/2018) -
Education in Conflict Resolution Using ICT: A Case Study in Colombia
(Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), 2017) -
Strengthening the Emotional Skills of Teachers: Interaction in Virtual Environments
(Educación y Educadores, 2012-10-10) -
Acquisition of Digital Skillsfor Social Inclusion
(Revista Opción, 2016-07-01) -
Development of competencies in ITC-mediated learning climate in the higher education
(Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior, 2011-09) -
Teaching practices that contribute to democratic education at school: some scopes using ICT in the Technology Center for the Academy of the University of La Sabana
(Aulas virtuales: fórmulas y prácticas, 2016) -
Strengthening anger management in the classroom: contributions from B-learning training
(International Journal of Learning Technology, 2020) -
How do students deal with information? higher education? The case of the University of La Sabana, Colombia
(Scielo Argentina, 2011-03-21) -
Learning about social determinants of health through chronicles, using a virtual learning environment
(Revista de Salud Pública, 2016-09-01) -
Adaptative Pedagogical Design for MOOC Development: A Strategy for Developing Competences in Corporate Contexts
(Revista electrónica de investigación educativa, 12/28/2020) -
Understanding Mobile Educational Content
(Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, 2018) -
Adaptive Digital Educational Resource “The Rescue of the Kingdom”: An Adaptive Didactic Experience for Mathematical Learning
(Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED, 1/1/2021) -
Serious game: theoretical model for its design and production
(Doctorado en Educación: Temas y conceptos, 2016)