Facultad de Comunicación
Browse by
Third Mission and identity in a Catholic university: The Universidad de La Sabana case
(Church, Communication and Culture, 2024) -
Engaging social media audiences with riots: TV and newspapers’ coverage of the 2019 protests in Colombia and Chile
(International Communication Gazette, 2024) -
University teaching of information disorders in journalism degrees in Spain
(Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, 2025) -
Media Studies and Migration Phenomena: Systematic Review of the Literature from 2011 to 2021
(Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social Disertaciones, 2024) -
The podcast in the consumption agenda of Colombian digital users
(Journalism, 2024) -
The visual discourse of the storefront signs of the Zona Rosa of Bogotá
(Grafica, 2024) -
From authoritarianism to privatization and social media: The evolution of Colombian TV
(Global Journalism in Comparative Perspective: Case Studies, 2024) -
Toward the Consolidation of Filming Simulators: A Systematic Literature Review of Virtual Environments for Audiovisual Learning and Practice
(International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2024) -
Is the Whole World Watching? Building a Typology of Protest Coverage on Social Media From Around the World
(Journalism Studies, 2020) -
THE BRAZILIAN FACTCHECKERS CRITERIA: an analysis of the guiding purposes, principles, and routines of this journalistic practice
(Brazilian Journalism Research, 2022) -
Post-truth strategies and disinformation in the 2022 Colombian presidential elections
(Revista de Comunicación, 2023) -
Reconnection of two worlds in favor of democratic values
(Palabra Clave, 2019) -
Approaches and agency in communication for development and social change in the americas
(Revista de Comunicación, 2024) -
The direction of university radio: a challenge of academic and professional convergence
(Revista de Comunicación, 2024) -
Immersive journalism research dominated by media effects: a call for expanded frameworks, methodologies, and narrative designs for news stories
(Communication and Society, 2024) -
Liberalism, secularization and religious pluralization in Colombia. About a forbidden pamphlet by Rafael Uribe Uribe
(Revista Colombiana de Sociologia, 2022)