Influence of Milk Whey on High-Oleic Palm Oil Nanoemulsions: Powder Production, Physical and Release Properties

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ISSN: 1557-1858
DOI: 10.1007/s11483-017-9500-9
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Ricaurte, Leidy; Prieto Correa, Rosa Erlide; Perea Flores, María de Jesus; Quintanilla Carvajal, María XimenaFecha
The milk whey is a by-product of the dairy industry
with a relevant protein concentration which can be employed
as a wall material in spray drying processes. In this work, milk
whey was used to encapsulate high oleic palm oil (HOPO)
nanoemulsions. The HOPO/whey ratio and the atomization
system (two-fluid nozzle and rotary disc) had a significant
influence in the capsule formation. In addition, the release of
the oleic acid (AO) from HOPO was evaluated by dialysis bag
method for powders obtained by both types of atomizers.
Different powders were obtained with good physical properties
(particle diameter: 6.1–18.8 μm, aw: 0.058–0.125, moisture:
0.86–2.39%, bulk density: 390–770 kg/m3, dissolution
rate: 55–115s) from stable nanoemulsions with high encapsulation
efficiencies (77 to 99%). On the other hand, the release
percents of AO were 82.8 and 75.8% for the two-fluid nozzle
and the rotary disc, respectively. The release was not completed
in the tested time (7 h) due to stable HOPO-whey linkages,
and the gradient that must be broken was higher. Aditionally,
an inverse relation was found between diameter particle and
AO release.
Food Biophysics volume 12, pages 439–450 (2017)
Colecciones a las que pertenece
- Facultad de Ingeniería [548]