Developing high school students’ reading comprehension and self-directed learning strategies through the use of digital learning objects
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Guayacán Velasco, Luz AdrianaFecha
This project is a research report, which inquired about the reading comprehension level of tenth and eleventh graders from a public high school. Before that, a needs analysis and a KET (Key English Test) as a diagnostic test were applied. The objectives of this research were to assess how students recognize explicit information in a text to answer questions with the appropriate response through the use of digital learning objects in a blended environment; and to determine if the use of these DLO contributed to improve students’ reading comprehension and the acquisition of new vocabulary. The project was applied in a public school in Bogotá to students of tenth and eleventh grade, due to the low reading comprehension found after applying them a KET test and a needs analysis. This action research used task based methodology in a blended learning environment where thirteen lessons were created based on digital learning objects in a MOODLE platform. These lessons helped students to improve their reading comprehension strategies and to increase their vocabulary. A mixed method analysis allowed researchers to determine that both objectives were effectively met while students enhanced their self-directed learning process.