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¿La Garantía de Aprendizaje funciona como debería? Una revisión de la literatura basada en la exploración de textos

dc.contributor.authorChiappe Laverde, Andrés
dc.contributor.authorWills A.E.
dc.contributor.authorRachid R.A.R.
dc.identifier.citationChiappe, A., Wills, A.E., Rachid, R.A.R. Is Assurance of Learning going as it should? A text mining-based review of literature [Article@A Garantia de Aprendizagem está indo como deveria? Uma revisão de literatura baseada em mineração de texto] [Article@¿La Garantía de Aprendizaje funciona como debería? Una revisión de la literatura basada en la exploración de textos] (2023) Ensaio, 31 (118), art. no. e0233802es_CO
dc.description.abstractGuaranteeing quality in Higher Education in today’s globalized and uncertain context strains universities worldwide. Assurance of Learning (AoL) and Curricular Alignment (CA) are some of intimately related key concepts embedded in this situation. Albeit being pervasive in today’s complex Higher Education ecosystem, AoL is not understood the same way everywhere. In order to explore its related meanings a scholarly literature analysis was carried out using text-mining techniques on 576,180 terms of 167 peer reviewed articles. Results reveals that research on AoL/CA is focusing on accreditation-oriented operationalization of assessment rather than synergically synchronizing the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) with teaching and assessment as it should be. Evidence shows that AACSB accreditation guidelines have the heaviest impact on AoL/CA research which entails that a single point of view is globally driving what should otherwise be a dialogue in a diverse international academic ecosystem © 2023, Ensaio.All Rights Reserved.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEnsaio 31 (118), art. no. e0233802
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.sourceUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.sourceIntellectum Repositorio Universidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.subject.otherAssurance Of Learningen
dc.subject.otherCurricular Alignmenten
dc.subject.otherHigher Education Qualityen
dc.subject.otherText Mining Analysisen
dc.titleIs Assurance of Learning going as it should? A text mining-based review of literatureen
dc.title¿La Garantía de Aprendizaje funciona como debería? Una revisión de la literatura basada en la exploración de textoses_CO
dc.typejournal articlees_CO

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