El tejido como estrategia de expresión artística para mejorar los procesos atencionales en niños y niñas de primaria de un centro educativo Waldorf
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50723Compartir
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Rodríguez Garzón, María AndreaAsesor/es
Baquero Pérez, Angela MarcelaFecha
Existen múltiples formas y enfoques para definir la atención, es una capacidad, una habilidad, una función superior y neuropsicológica exclusiva del ser humano, por tanto, ligada a la región prefrontal del cerebro, que selecciona estímulos, permite enfocar los sentidos hacia determinada información u objetivo. También, permite concentrar los recursos mentales para para responder a las demandas del medio; por lo cual, es básica en los procesos de aprendizaje y éxito en cualquier actividad. Para esta investigación se tendrá como base la Teoría de redes atencionales de Posner. El tejido es una práctica artística ancestral que entrelaza hilos o fibras formando entramados que permiten la producción de un objeto determinado. Esta investigación se desarrolló con enfoque mixto de tipo correlacional, bajo el esquema denominado Diseño explicativo secuencial, con el objetivo de describir los efectos de la práctica regular del tejido como expresión artística en los procesos atencionales de los niños y las niñas de primaria de un centro educativo Waldorf. There are multiple ways and approaches to define attention, it is an ability, a skill, a superior and
neuropsychological function, exclusive to the human being, therefore, linked to the prefrontal region
of the brain, which selects stimulus, allows to focus the senses towards certain information or
objective. Also, it allows to concentrate the mental resources to respond to the demands of the
environment; therefore, it is basic in the processes of learning and success in any activity. This
research will be based on Posner's Theory of Attentional Networks. knitting is an ancestral artistic
practice that intertwines threads or fibers forming lattices that allow the production of a certain
object. This research was developed with a mixed correlational approach, under the scheme called
Sequential Explanatory Design, with the aim of describing the effects of regular practice of knitting
as artistic expression in the attentional processes of primary school children in a Waldorf educational
center. For this, quantitative and qualitative information was collected, analyzed and integrated. For
the attention variable, with an online instrument called Posner's Indication Task, pre and post
measurements were made to a sample of 6 participants in a period of three months, during which
time they performed regular weaving practice within the framework of the craft class. With respect to
the knitting variable, was designed a questionnaire type Likert in order to quantify the level of
performance in the practice of the knitting of the participants; this instrument was applied to two
school teachers from the educational center. Additionally, a semi-structured interview was applied in
which the categories Knitting Practice, Attention Development, Attentional Processes and Other
Cognitive Processes and Waldorf Pedagogy were integrated, this, to characterize the teaching and
learning process of the tissue and enrich the data analysis. The results derived from the information
processing indicates an inverse linear association and negative correlation (r = -0.6622, r2 = 0.4385
and rs = -0.7714) between the variables Attention in Response Times (TR) and level of performance
in knitting; that is, at lower TR there is a better level of performance in knitting. Additionally, there
is evidence of a direct linear association and a positive correlation (r= 0.8481, r
2= 0.7194 and rs =
0.8857) between the variables Attention in Percentage of Correct Answers (%CR) and level of
performance in knitting, which indicates that the higher %CR there is a better level of performance in
knitting. Moreover, these results complement with the qualitative information that indicates that
children who practice regularly the knitting, achieve levels of attention and concentration that are
transferred to other academic areas and to some socio-emotional skills, which is associated
proportionally with the skill in the technique of the person who practices it and the time of practice.
For that reason, it is possible to conclude a positive effect of the regular practice of knitting on the
levels of attention of primary school children of the Waldorf educational center and its possible
transfer to other emotional and social cognitive skills.