Promoción de la lectura y escritura a través de las tradiciones orales entre padres, maestros, niños y niñas de 8 a 10 años del Centro Etnoeducativo Rural Ishashimana sede Villa Sara
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Bolaño Sánchez, María del RosarioFecha
El desafío que hoy enfrentan los centros etnoeducativos rurales es el de integrar a los estudiantes a la cultura de la lectura y la escritura, lo que se espera apropiar una herencia cultural que implica el ejercicio docente en varias instrucciones con el texto y el contexto. El problema del desinterés y apatía de los estudiantes wayuu hacia la lectura y escritura develan débil proceso de comunicación, que obstaculiza la interacción entre la cultura Wayuu y Alijuna. Es por ello, que este estudio se propone como proyecto de aula para fortalecer las destrezas en la lectura y escritura en niños y niñas de 8 a 10 años del Centro Etnoeducativo Rural Ishachimana Sede Villa Sara del municipio de Manaure en el Departamento de La Guajira. El estudio se encuadra en los fundamentos de la Investigación Acción Pedagógica, centrado en la observación participante, dentro del enfoque cualitativo, la población la conforman (22) participantes distribuidos de la siguiente manera: catorce (14) estudiantes, tres (3) docentes y cinco (5) padres de familia o representantes, la información se recolectará conforme a técnicas e instrumentos como: observación participante, entrevista semi-estructurada, guion de entrevista y diario de campo. The challenge facing rural ethno-educational centers today is to incorporate all students
into the culture of reading and writing, which implies assuming a cultural heritage that involves
teaching in various instructions with the text and context. The problem of disinterest and apathy
of Wayuu students towards reading and writing reveals a weak communication process, which
hinders the interaction between the Wayuu and Alijuna culture. For this reason, this study is
proposed as a classroom project to strengthen reading and writing skills in boys and girls aged 8
to 10 from the Ishachimana Rural Ethnoeducation Center, Villa Sara Headquarters, in the
municipality of Manaure in the Department of La Guajira
The study is framed in the foundations of the Pedagogical Action Research, centered on
participant observation, within the qualitative approach, the population is made up of (22)
subjects distributed as follows: fourteen (14) students, three (3) teachers and five (5) parents or
representatives, the information will be collected through techniques and instruments such as:
participant observation, semi-structured interview, interview script and field diary
The proposal called "I read and write the traditions of my Wayuu culture" is described as
a teaching and learning methodology that implies a simultaneous approach to the object of
knowledge from different oral and written perspectives, and is an educational method that allows
adaptation and reorganization cognitive to produce what has been learned, resignifying the
interpretations acquired from the subject's previous knowledge. The results achieved will be
generalized to the entire Ethnoeducative Center and the community in general.