Efectos de una estrategia basada en arte visual sobre la enseñanza de la observación clínica en semiología reumática
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Bendeck Mejía, Sharon JanellAsesor/es
Jaimes, Diego AlejandroDate
Introducción: En la educación médica la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias de enseñanza
forma parte del reto del ejercicio docente. La adquisición de conocimiento es importante,
pero el desarrollo de las habilidades clínicas es crucial en la formación del estudiante
médico. El ser humano construye pensamiento de diferentes formas, la percepción
estética del arte puede funcionar como una herramienta de aprendizaje cognitivo en la
educación médica. Diferentes estrategias, como el Visual Thinking strategies, se han
aplicado en la enseñanza médica, para el desarrollo de la observación clínica. Existen
pinturas con signos reumáticos que podrían usarse con este tipo de estrategias, para
observar los efectos en el aprendizaje del estudiante en el área de reumatología.
Metodología: Mediante un estudio educativo experimental de antes y después, se
planteó aplicar una estrategia basada en arte para la enseñanza de semiología reumática
en estudiantes de pregrado de medicina de séptimo semestre de la Universidad de La
Sabana, Colombia; diseñando un instrumento evaluativo para medir los cambios en el
desarrollo de la observación como habilidad clínica en el diagnóstico reumatológico.
Resultados: Se observaron los cambios que se produjeron en la observación clínica
mediante la aplicación de las actividades de la intervención. La estrategia Visual thinking
strategies mostró utilidad para trabajar habilidades de observación y descripción. Sé
desarrollaron estructuras evaluativas, rúbricas analíticas para medir los distintos cambios
en la adquisición y desarrollo de la observación como habilidad clínica. A través de las
actividades se acercó al estudiante al mundo del arte buscando no solo trabajar la
formación clínica sino formar estudiantes más integrales. Introduction: In medical education, the search for new teaching strategies is part of the
challenge of teaching. The acquisition of knowledge is important, but the development of
clinical skills is crucial in the training of the medical student. The human being constructs
thought in different ways, the aesthetic perception of art can function as a cognitive
learning tool in medical education. Different strategies, such as Visual Thinking strategies,
have been applied in medical teaching, for the development of clinical observation. There
are paintings with rheumatic signs that could be used with this type of strategies, to
observe the effects on student learning around rheumatology.
Methodology: Through a before and after experimental educational study, it was
proposed to apply an art-based strategy for the teaching of rheumatic semiology in
undergraduate medical students in the seventh semester of the University of La Sabana,
Colombia; designing an evaluative instrument to measure changes in the development of
observation as a clinical skill in rheumatology diagnosis.
Results: Changes that occurred in clinical observation were observed through the
application of the intervention activities. The Visual thinking strategies showed usefulness
for working on observation and description skills. Evaluative structures, analytical rubrics
were developed to measure the different changes in the acquisition and development of
observation as a clinical skill. Through the activities, the student was approached to the
world of art, seeking not only to work on clinical training but also to train more
comprehensive students.
Conclusions: The implementation of the intervention allowed to evaluate the teaching of
the skill of clinical observation, through a strategy that uses visual art, observing and
describing paintings. The Visual thinking strategies strategy proved useful for the study
objectives. The evaluative rubrics designed allowed to measure the changes through the
use of strategy in the study population. Through exposure to the appreciation of art,
worked during the intervention, the approach of students to art and culture was achieved.
Despite obtaining positive changes during the evaluations, further studies are suggested to test the rubrics again. It is also necessary to carry out studies on the activity of the
facilitator, in order to know the perspectives of application and development of these
interventions from that point of view, in addition, it is suggested to seek to generate
strategies that promote greater participation of students in the studies.