Modelo para la asignación y ruteo de técnicos especializados. Caso de estudio Tecnova Intercomercial
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González Torres, Juan DavidAsesor/es
González Rodríguez, Leonardo JoséFecha
Dado el ambiente competitivo que hoy en día se presenta en las organizaciones debido a la globalización y mercados abiertos, un método de ventaja competitiva es la optimización de procesos y actividades. Dicha optimización conlleva a una mayor eficiencia de las operaciones reflejadas en un aumento de productividad de la empresa en cuestión. La asignación correcta de personal y recursos en una empresa y/o proyecto es un factor determinante para poder establecer el nivel de productividad y desempeño de la mano de obra al igual que la satisfacción de los clientes. Given the competitive environment that today occurs in organizations due to
globalization and open markets, a method of competitive advantage is the
optimization of processes and activities. This optimization leads to greater efficiency
of operations reflected in an increase in productivity of the company in question. The
correct allocation of personnel and resources in a company and / or project is a
determining factor to establish the level of productivity and performance of the
workforce as well as customer satisfaction.
This work presents an analysis of the characteristics of the technical staff and their
after-sales service in the Colombian company Tecnova Intercomercial, focusing on
determining solution proposals for the allocation of human resources to business
visits and their respective routing problem that allows customer satisfaction.
regarding company policies. The objective of this research in the degree project is
to provide a mixed integer linear programming mathematical optimization model to
design the weekly planning of technical and commercial visits to clients by Tecnova's
specialized personnel, increasing the productivity of work activity, considering
multiple types of personnel, time windows, multiple starting points and multiple time
frames for your planning horizon. During the development of the project, it was
possible to find the daily routes that the technicians must carry out with their
respective level of participation in two different scenarios, the first taking desired
travel times free of delays and the other, where a scalar factor directly affects said
time to generate delays established in reality during the mobilization within the city
of Bogotá.