La sensibilidad materna adolescente y el desarrollo infantil de 0 a 5 años. Revisión exploratoria
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Rodríguez Rodríguez, Flor NatalliAsesor/es
García Sanz, SaraFecha
El embarazo adolescente o maternidad adolescente se considera en condición de vulnerabilidad por la presencia de factores socioeconómicos que se asocian al enfrentamiento de problemas sociales e individuales, características que lo podrían considerar un entorno adverso, que tal vez, no favorezca la sensibilidad materna ni el desarrollo infantil, razón por la cual se decide realizar esta revisión sistemática de alcance para visualizar el conocimiento existente sobre esta problemática. Se comprende la sensibilidad materna, concepto introducido por Mary Ainsworth, como la capacidad de la madre de generar una danza diádica de interacciones con su hijo con la finalidad de entender sus necesidades y de brindar el andamiaje necesario para el aprendizaje favoreciendo de esta manera el desarrollo infantil. Sin embargo, este concepto a partir de una población como son las madres adolescentes, y siendo objetivo de esta investigación, se basa en conocer hasta dónde esa sensibilidad materna se encuentra afectada y cómo influye en el desarrollo de sus hijos. Adolescent pregnancy or motherhood is considered to be in a vulnerable condition due to
the presence of socioeconomic factors that are associated with the confrontation of social and
individual problems, characteristics that could consider it an adverse environment, which
perhaps does not favor maternal sensitivity or child development, which is why it was decided to
carry out this systematic review of scope to visualize the existing knowledge about this problem.
Maternal sensitivity, a concept introduced by Mary Ainsworth, is understood as the
mother's ability to generate a dyadic dance of interactions with her child in order to understand
their needs and provide the necessary scaffolding for learning, thus favoring development.
childish. However, this concept from a population such as adolescent mothers, and being the
objective of this research, is based on knowing to what extent that maternal sensitivity is affected
and how it influences the development of their children.
During the performance of this search for knowledge, the presence of low sensitivity in
adolescent mothers was evidenced, a situation that is not only associated with maternal age, but
is not associated with other types of variables, which were identified in the state of the art, such as the socioeconomic and educational level of the mother, which are considered the most
influential in the mother's sensitivity and therefore in the development of children.
In addition, it is recommended to carry out longitudinal studies, which allow an adequate
knowledge of child development, understanding it as a concept that is not static, which allows
removing labels in the children of adolescent mothers by knowing the changes that occur and
allows to identify the way in which the appearance of opportunities that improve the quality of
life of the dyad can be favored.
The importance of this research is to achieve a reference article, both for future research
and interventions, in order to improve maternal sensitivity in adolescent mothers and promote
child development, despite the adverse environment.