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dc.contributor.advisorRuíz, Leidy Carolina
dc.contributor.authorSalinas Tenorio, Viviana
dc.description167 páginases_CO
dc.description.abstractEl presente documento tuvo como propósito determinar cómo las rutinas de pensamiento influyen en el uso de las habilidades metacognitivas: planeación, monitoreo y evaluación en niños de 4 a 5 años para la resolución de problemas. Con la intención de reconocer la necesidad de repensar la práctica docente y las herramientas que se utilizan en el aula que permitan responder a las necesidades y particularidades de los niños en primera infancia de acuerdo con recientes investigaciones son grandes los beneficios que trae abordar los procesos metacognitivos desde los primeros años relacionados estos con el logro académico social y emocional. La población participante fueron siete niños de una institución pública en la ciudad de Bogotá del grado jardín.es_CO
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this document was to determine how thinking routines influence the use of metacognitive skills: planning, monitoring and evaluation in children aged 4 to 5 for problemsolving. To recognize the need to rethink the teaching practice and the tools used in the classroom in responding to the needs and particularities of children in early childhood. According to recent research, the benefits that treat metacognitive processes from the first years are excellent, related to academic achievement and social and emotional achievement. The participating population were seven children from a public school in Bogota - Colombia, in kindergarten grade. A semi-structured observation instrument was redesigned and also validated. Then, it had used to record and analyze activities through observation technique to show which and how children of these ages use metacognitive skills with activities with and without thinking routines. The results indicate that in activities without thinking routines, children use planning and monitoring by selecting resources, defining strategies, controlling their performance and making adjustments in the process. However, there is a lack of reflective processes. On the other hand, the experiences mediated by thinking routines showed a relevant incidence in the strengthening of these skills because they allow self-regulation in the way that children approach a task. Besides, the interactions given in between children and adults was more significant. Therefore, we concluded the need to favour metacognitive processes in early childhood using thinking routines as a tool that helps to improve learning experiences.eng
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleLas rutinas de pensamiento como mediación para el fortalecimiento de las habilidades metacognitivas que usan los niños para la resolución de problemas : Habilidades metacognitivas y rutinas de pensamientoes_CO
dc.subject.armarcEducación preescolares_CO
dc.subject.armarcPensamiento creativoes_CO
dc.subject.armarcJardines infantileses_CO
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