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dc.contributor.advisorMcdougald, Jermaine S.
dc.contributor.authorBarrera Ardila, Olga Lizeth
dc.contributor.authorGómez Díaz, Luis Aurelio
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dc.description129 páginases_CO
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to indicate how meaningful tasks, by using Virtual Language Resource Center (VLRC) combined with Collaborative Learning (CL), can increase English motivation inside the classroom. Therefore, the research was focused on the implementation of VLRC activities to support A1 tenth grade students to start motivating English through language learning activities. This research was elaborated by two state English school teachers who have worked for ten years in Santander interested in adequate English teaching methods, focusing on different aspects related to motivation and the actions to empower students with the correct approaches required in order to become better language apprentices. According to John Dewey, the incorporation of VLCR everyday into our student sessions combined with collaborative learning will result in a more engaging learning environment. In Collaborative Learning, students are not considered an isolated part of the language learning process. There must be, according to Dewey, other aspects in where students interrelate with the context, which means the social environment, and also their parents.es_CO
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.sourceUniversidad de La Sabana
dc.sourceIntellectum Repositorio Universidad de La Sabana
dc.subjectInnovaciones educativases_CO
dc.subjectRealidad virtuales_CO
dc.subjectEnseñanza bilingüees_CO
dc.titleVLRC (Virtual Language Resource Center) combined with Collaborative Learning, an approach to increase motivation in A1 tenth grade English students inside two state schools in Santander, Colombiaes_CO
dc.title.alternativeIncreasing motivation at A1 English students by VLRC (Virtual Language Resource Center) combined with CL (Collaborative Learning)es_CO
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés para el Aprendizaje Autodirigidoes_CO
dc.publisher.departmentDepartamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjerases_CO
dc.creator.degreeMagíster en Didáctica del Inglés para el Aprendizaje Autodirigidoes_CO

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