Student Engagement and Academic Performance in the Colombian University Context
Compromiso estudiantil en el contexto universitario colombiano y desempe�o acad�mico
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ISSN: 1134-4032
DOI: 1010.7203/relieve.20.2.4238
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Pineda Baez, Clelia Zobeida; Berm�dez Aponte, Jos� Javier; Rubiano Bello, �ngela Mar�a; Pava Garc�a, Natalia; Su�rez Garc�a, Rodrigo; Cruz Becerra, Fabi�n ErnestoFecha
Despite the increase in Latin America of Higher Education_x000D_
coverage, grave dropout problems persist that question the_x000D_
role of educational experiences to foster students�_x000D_
academic engagement. This study was carried out in_x000D_
Colombia and sought to establish the relationship between_x000D_
the five benchmarks that compose academic engagement_x000D_
and the academic performance of a group of Colombian_x000D_
university students. The transversal and correlational study_x000D_
used the Spanish version of the National Survey of_x000D_
Student Engagement (NSSE) that measures students� level_x000D_
of participation in five dimensions: Academic challenge,_x000D_
active and collaborative learning, student-faculty_x000D_
interaction, enriching educational experiences, and_x000D_
supportive campus environment and its relationship to_x000D_
academic performance. The findings of 1906 students_x000D_
from 7 universities indicate that there are statistically_x000D_
significant, but weak correlations between the items that_x000D_
compose the benchmarks and students� academic_x000D_
performance, which lead to reflect upon key aspects to_x000D_
strengthen the education experiences offered to university_x000D_
students. A pesar de la ampliaci�n de la cobertura en la educaci�n_x000D_
superior latinoamericana, persisten graves problemas de_x000D_
deserci�n que llevan a cuestionar el papel de las_x000D_
experiencias educativas en el fomento del compromiso_x000D_
acad�mico de los estudiantes. Esta investigaci�n se realiz�_x000D_
en Colombia y busc� determinar la relaci�n que existe_x000D_
entre el compromiso estudiantil y el desempe�o_x000D_
acad�mico de un grupo de universitarios colombianos. El_x000D_
estudio transversal y correlacional emple� la versi�n en_x000D_
espa�ol de la encuesta National Survey of Student_x000D_
Engagement (NSSE) que mide el nivel de participaci�n de_x000D_
los estudiantes en cinco dimensiones: reto acad�mico,_x000D_
aprendizaje activo y colaborativo, interacci�n con_x000D_
docentes y personal administrativo, experiencias_x000D_
educativas enriquecedoras y apoyo institucional. Los_x000D_
hallazgos de 1906 estudiantes de 7 universidades se�alan_x000D_
que existen correlaciones estad�sticamente significativas,_x000D_
aunque d�biles, entre los �ndices del compromiso_x000D_
estudiantil y el promedio acad�mico, y conducen a_x000D_
reflexionar sobre aspectos claves para el fortalecimiento_x000D_
de las experiencias educativas que se ofrecen al_x000D_
Palabras clave
RELIEVE, v. 20 (2), art. 3
Colecciones a las que pertenece
- Facultad de Educación [165]