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dc.contributor.advisorJaramillo, Leonidas
dc.contributor.authorSierra Cañón, María Alejandra
dc.description134 páginases_CO
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this work is to design a proposal to improve the international distribution strategy based on the issues that has IndigoVision Ltd, where the times and costs of guarantee management for Colombia have been negatively affected and, in turn, the image with customers. To achieve the above, the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) is taken as a basis to carry out an analysis of the company focused on 3 relevant aspects; the internal profile, external profile and the processes of the supply chain, in the same way a survey is made to the clients to identify their level of satisfaction with the processes, in which the critical points are identified and corroborated and opportunities for improvement that the company has in its distribution process.en
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.otherEstrategia de distribución
dc.subject.otherCadena de suministro
dc.subject.otherDistribución internacional
dc.subject.otherMinimización de costos
dc.subject.otherModelo SCOR
dc.titleEstrategia de distribución internacional en la cadena de suministro de equipos electrónicos de videovigilancia para garantías en Colombia; Caso de estudio IndigoVision Ltdes_CO
dc.typemaster thesises_CO
dc.rights.accessRightsrestrictedAccesses_CO Internacional de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativases_COía en Gerencia de Operacioneses_COíster en Gerencia de Operacioneses_CO

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