Divergent approaches to medicine: a bioethical reflection
Enfoques divergentes de la medicina: una reflexión bioética
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10818/60107Visitar enlace: https://www.scopus.com/inward/ ...
ISSN: 11321989
DOI: 10.30444/CB.84
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Gamboa-Bernal G.A.Fecha
Based on the elements that constitute the bases of Western Medicine and a distinction made by Pedro Laín Entralgo from Homeric work, two possible approaches to medical practice are reflected, which could be characterized as ″palliative″ medicine and ″medicine without palliative″. The relationships that these two approaches may have with Philosophy, Ethics and Bioethics are mentioned; the main characteristics and some of the dangers of each one. It shows how the presence, in clinical practice, of palliative care in itself leaves several lessons on the two approaches. It concludes by showing the importance of person-centered medical education with humanistic components. Some ideas are given so that the curricular contents lead to the training of doctors capable of acting with humanism and professionalism, being agents of a cultural change in favor of life.
Cuadernos de bioetica : revista oficial de la Asociacion Espanola de Bioetica y Etica Medica Vol. 32 N° 104 p. 15-22
Colecciones a las que pertenece
- Facultad de Medicina [1345]