Nasal-type extranodal T-cell lymphoma/Natural killer masked in sinusopathy, a frequent manifestation
Linfoma de células T/natural killer extranodal de tipo nasal enmascarado en una sinusopatia

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Bernal J.; Tuta Quintero E.; Balcazar E.; Franco D.; Kuan J.C.; Collazos E.; Trujillo Angel J.F.; Taboada E.; Ayala M.C.M.Fecha
Introduction: Nasal-type extranodal natural killer/cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma is rare but has a high mortality rate. The clinical manifestations of the disease can mimic a paranasal sinus infection. Objective: To present the clinical manifestations of a 34-year-old patient diagnosed with nasal-type extranodal natural killer/cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma. Clinical case: A 34-year-old male patient with recurrent greenish fetid rhinorrhea and obstruction in the right nostril is presented. In the initial evaluation, it suggests chronic sinusitis, however, due to the worsening of the clinical manifestations, a computed tomography is performed that shows lesions suggestive of neoplastic infiltration, a biopsy of the lesion confirms the diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma/extranodal natural killer. Conclusions: Nasal-type extranodal natural killer/cytotoxic T-cell lymphomas are considered rare neoplasms characterized by a rapidly progressive pattern with bone involvement; in its initial stage it presents clinical manifestations similar to sinusitis. Computed tomography and histopathology are essential in the diagnosis of the disease. © 2023, Editorial Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved.
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar 52 (1), e02302222
Colecciones a las que pertenece
- Facultad de Medicina [1457]