Estrategia de enfermería para orientar a cuidadores sobre el programa canguro de una unidad de cuidado intensivo de tercer y cuarto nivel en Neiva Huila
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Rodríguez Esteban, Hernán Darío; Zapata Dusan, Rossi Jeidi; Larotta Sanabria, Karem TatianaAsesor/es
Robayo Téllez, Astrid VivianaFecha
Enfermería como profesión está ligada al cuidado del paciente enfermo y críticamente enfermo basados en conocimientos científicos adaptados al cuidado, con los pacientes neonatales que por sus patologías o por patologías presentadas por sus madres en gestación son sometidos a nacer prematuramente, esto nos conlleva al equipo de la unidad neonatal a tener herramientas para el cuidado de un paciente que apenas empieza su vida y que por su inmadurez se ha sometido a cambios diferentes a los que debería estar en su entorno intrauterino, como son incubadoras, monitorizaciones de constantes vitales hasta procedimientos invasivos para preservar su vida. Cuando el proceso de estabilización y mejora de vida del neonato da para condicionar e iniciar el programa canguro, el medico dará la autorización, junto con el equipo de plan canguro y otros elementos se inicia la educación y pautas lograr el objetivo que es ganancia de peso y fortalecimiento de técnica de alimentación. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una estrategia de educación en enfermería para orientar a padres y cuidadores del recién nacido que pertenecen al Plan Canguro, que brinde elementos que logren marcar pautas de cuidado; utilizando la herramienta del marco lógico que facilite el proceso de ejecución, mediante una herramienta de ayuda y educación a la población que está involucrada directa e indirecta con el cuidado del recién nacido que empieza el programa canguro, fortaleciendo sobre pautas de cuidado; teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y bases de aprendizaje de los cuidadores, aplicando los cinco componentes de la teoría de Kristen Swanson integrando los 5 componentes: Conocer Estar con- Hacer Para- Mantener las creencias – Posibilitar. Nursing as a profession is linked to the care of the sick and critically ill patient based on
scientific knowledge adapted to care, with neonatal patients who, due to their pathologies or
pathologies presented by their pregnant mothers, are subjected to being born prematurely,
this leads us to the nursing team the neonatal unit to have tools for the care of a patient who
is just beginning his life and who, due to his immaturity, has undergone changes different
from those that he should be in in his intrauterine environment, such as incubators,
monitoring of vital signs and even invasive procedures for preserve your life.
When the process of stabilization and improvement of life of the newborn gives to condition
and start the kangaroo program, the doctor will give the authorization, together with the
kangaroo program team and other elements, the education and guidelines begin to achieve
the objective that is weight gain and strengthening of feeding technique.
The objective of this project is to develop a nursing education strategy to guide parents and
caregivers of newborns who belong to the Kangaroo Plan, which provides elements that
achieve care guidelines; using the logical framework tool that facilitates the execution
process, through a tool to help and educate the population that is directly and indirectly
involved with the care of the newborn that begins the kangaroo program, strengthening care
guidelines; taking into account the needs and learning bases of caregivers, applying the five
components of Kristen Swanson's theory integrating the 5 components: Know- Be with- Do
To- Maintain beliefs- Enable
As a result, it was possible to recognize that caregivers had basic knowledge of the
Kangaroo Plan and identified the benefits of applying it to newborns; from the identification
of the need, it was possible to strengthen and consolidate the knowledge, strengthening the
care guidelines provided by the caregiver. It was possible to intervene 100% of the identified
population that belonged to the Kangaroo Plan, and satisfaction was identified about the
nursing strategy used to carry out the intervention.
These educational interventions must be continued by the multidisciplinary personnel
involved in the care and attention of the newborn, who must be trained on the Kangaroo
Plan in order to strengthen knowledge and clear up doubts that benefit the care of newborns
during the hospital stay and outpatient management