Análisis técnico y económico para la confiabilidad estructural de puentes vehiculares mediante monitoreo presencial versus monitoreo electrónico en tiempo real
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Macias Mora, Ana CarolinaAsesor/es
Agudelo Otalora, Luis MauricioFecha
En el mundo las interconexiones viales son de suma importancia ya que de esto depende gran parte del desarrollo económico y social de los países, estas conexiones se relacionan directamente con una infraestructura o superestructura por lo cual la importancia de mantenerlas en buen estado, por esto, en el tráfico terrestre, la falla de un puente genera la interrupción total del tráfico de bienes en su superficie, generando incalculables pérdidas materiales y sociales mientras se restituye el flujo vehicular. (García, Ospina Giraldo, & Graciano, 2014) Problema como el enunciado en el parrafo anterior se hace evidente en Colombia ya que el mantenimiento de puentes vehiculares no cuenta con una directriz confiable para lograr identificar el momento adecuado de ejecución en obras de mantenimiento y/o rehabilitación con el fin de evitar mayores deterioros o en su defecto colapsos de estas estructuras. Contamos aproximadamente con una cantidad de 3.440 puentes vehiculares en el país, razón importante para priorizar el estado tanto las superestructuras como infraestructuras. In the world, road interconnections are of great importance since a large part of the
economic and social development of countries depends on them. These connections
are directly related to an infrastructure or superstructure, which is why the
importance of maintaining them in good condition, and therefore, in land traffic, the
failure of a bridge generates the total interruption of the traffic of goods on its surface,
generating incalculable material and social losses while the flow of vehicles is
restored. (García, Ospina Giraldo, & Graciano, 2014)
A problem such as the one mentioned in the previous paragraph is evident in
Colombia, since the maintenance of vehicular bridges does not have a reliable
guideline to identify the appropriate moment to carry out maintenance and/or
rehabilitation works in order to avoid further deterioration or collapse of these
structures. There are approximately 3,440 vehicular bridges in the country, which is
an important reason for prioritizing the state of both superstructures and
Monitoring of this infrastructure is possible through the use of technology. The
analysis of these structures, over time has become an important and rapidly growing
area of research that is attracting the interest of researchers and government
agencies related to the maintenance and safety of different types of structures such
as buildings, bridges, etc., in order to allow their operation or schedule their recovery
or removal.
Civilian structures frequently suffer damage during their service life, this damage is
due to several factors such as: corrosion, degradation of columns, beams and the
impact of foreign objects. (Amezquita, 2012)
With this work we want to show private and state-owned companies, owners of
existing and future vehicular bridges in the country, that it is possible to optimize
costs with the knowledge of the state of the vehicular bridges and thus be able to act
at the right time, and then be able to execute the maintenance and/or rehabilitation
works required at the appropriate time,
Currently, this monitoring is carried out in person, with the help of civil engineers who
are structural specialists and who have the autonomy to determine when the
structures require attention, either for testing or for intervention.