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dc.contributor.advisorPeña Martínez, Gabriel Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorApolo Matamoros, Irina Gabriela
dc.description145 páginases_CO
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo principal de esta investigación es, diseñar una guía de herramientas de direccionamiento estratégico de acuerdo con las necesidades de las microempresas, por medio del diagnóstico y análisis de diversos negocios y sectores de la economía, tomando como base el caso de estudio de las microempresas del Municipio de Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Se identificó la ruta óptima para realizar un correcto direccionamiento estratégico y las principales herramientas para este tipo de empresas, presentándose como una propuesta factible que oriente a una correcta dirección estratégica de los negocios. El problema se abordó con una investigación de campo, de tipo descriptiva, explicando la realidad actual de la administración de las Microempresas del Municipio de Chía. Se tomó una muestra representativa de forma aleatoria del objeto de estudio, los resultados de la herramienta aplicada mostraron la realidad de las estructuras organizativas que comprenden las microempresas.es_CO
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research is to design a guide of strategic management tools according to the needs of microenterprises, through the diagnosis and analysis of various businesses and sectors of the economy, based on the case study of microenterprises in the Municipality of Chia, Cundinamarca, Colombia. The optimal route for a correct strategic direction and the main tools for this type of companies were identified, presenting itself as a feasible proposal that guides to a correct strategic direction of the businesses. The problem was approached with a field research, of descriptive type, explaining the current reality of the administration of the Microenterprises of the Municipality of Chía. A representative sample was taken randomly from the object of study, the results of the applied tool showed the reality of the organizational structures that comprise the microenterprises. There was evidence of poor planning and future projection, lack of clarity in their processes and competitive analysis due to factors associated with the lack of knowledge of administrative tools and concepts, being very common the belief that the management of a business is given in daily activities and the rest are unnecessary requirements, ignoring the market potential and future opportunities. As a result of the research, it is expected that, based on the strategic management tools guide, the entrepreneurs of the municipality of Chia will apply the administrative management models that will lead them to increase the competitiveness and economic development of the sector.en
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleGuía de herramientas metodológicas de direccionamiento estratégico para las microempresas: Estudio de caso microempresas del municipio de Chíaes_CO
dc.typemaster thesises_CO
dc.subject.armarcPequeña y mediana empresaes_CO
dc.subject.armarcPlanificación estratégicaes_CO
dc.subject.armarcAdministración de empresases_CO
dc.subject.armarcNegocioses_CO Internacional de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativases_COía en Gerencia Estratégicaes_COíster en Gerencia Estratégicaes_CO

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