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dc.contributor.advisorFuentes Ramírez, Alejandra
dc.contributor.authorVallejo Ramírez, Claudia Marcela
dc.description157 páginases_CO
dc.description.abstractIntroducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles como la falla cardiaca son un problema de salud pública que requieren intervención urgente. Se documenta que las personas con falla cardiaca y sus cuidadores, no tienen una competencia de cuidado óptima, lo que se relaciona con descompensaciones prevenibles que causan reingresos, aumento de eventos adversos y mayores costos. Al ser la falla cardiaca una enfermedad crónica el paciente o su cuidador son los protagonistas del cuidado por lo que deben ser competentes para ejercer dicha labor. El egreso hospitalario es una transición que implica alta vulnerabilidad, siendo un momento en donde los profesionales de enfermería pueden fortalecer la competencia para el cuidado de estos pacientes y sus cuidadores. Metodología: Se plantea en el protocolo de investigación un estudio experimental pre – post prueba con grupo comparación, en donde se aplica la intervención PLAN CUIDARTE y se evalúa la competencia de cuidado inicial y posterior en el grupo comparación e intervención, dicha competencia se evaluará al responsable del cuidado, ya sea la persona con falla cardiaca o su cuidador, a través de la aplicación del instrumento
dc.description.abstractBackground: Non-transmisible chronic diseases, such as heart failure, are a public health problem that requires urgent intervention. It has been documented that people with heart failure and their caregivers do not have optimal care competence, which is related to preventable decompensations that cause readmissions, increased adverse events and higher costs. Since heart failure is a chronic disease, the patient or their caregiver are the protagonists of care, so they must be competent to perform this task. Hospital discharge is a transition that implies high vulnerability, being a time when nursing professionals can strengthen the competence for the care of these patients and their caregivers. Objective: To determine the effect of the PLAN CUIDARTE compared to the conventional discharge plan, on the competence of caring for people with heart failure or their caregiver. Methodology: A experimental pre - post test study with a comparison group is proposed in the research protocol, where the intervention PLAN CUIDARTE is applied and the initial and subsequent care competence is evaluated in the comparison and intervention group, said competence will be evaluate on the person responsible for the care, either the person with heart failure or their caregiver, through the application of the CUIDAR instrument. Results: Under the Meleis theory of Transitions and following the Whittemore guidelines for the design of nursing interventions, the intervention PLAN CUIDARTE acronym in spanish for "Plan of anticipated and structured care aimed at the Transition of Hospital Discharge" is obtained. To guarantee the fidelity in its execution is designed the operations manual and a digital booklet structured by three components: Knowledge, Instrumental and Anticipation that uses the techniques of gamification in health and teach back, using information and communication technologies.eng
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.sourcereponame:Intellectum Repositorio Universidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.titleEfecto del “plan cuidarte” sobre la competencia de cuidado de las personas con falla cardiaca o sus cuidadoreses_CO
dc.subject.armarcEnfermedades crónicasspa
dc.subject.armarcAtención al enfermospa
dc.subject.armarcSistema cardiovascular -- Enfermedadesspa
dc.subject.armarcEnfermería cardiovascularspa
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