The Basics of Bioethics: What to Teach?
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ISSN: 1583-5170
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4425.8725
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Gamboa Bernal, Gilberto AlfonsoFecha
This is a descriptive, observational study based on a documentary analysis of 45 publications on philosophical anthropology and bioethics, in addition to other works that combine both theseareas of knowledge. An educational analytical summary (EAS) was used as a resource. The purpose of the study is to compare the characteristics of texts on these two sciences to determinethe features a publication should have for teaching the basics of bioethics at postgraduate level,specifically with regard to the philosophical and anthropological content and the most suitabletype of publication. We provided several suggestions on how to get the most out of the materialsin terms of disseminating content and forming attitudes through, for example, personalizedtutoring.
Palabras clave
Rev ista Română de Bioetică, Vol. 13, Nr.1, January - March 2015