Now showing items 1-6 of 6
MOOC in a timeline: a systematic literature reviewLos MOOC en la línea del tiempo: una biografía investigativa de una tendencia educativa
(Revista de Educación a Distancia, 2021-04-21)
Open Teaching: a New Way on E-learning?
(The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2017-03)
Open Educational Practices: a learning way beyond free access knowledge
(Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas Em Educação, 2017-06-19)
Learning in the openness: the lost way of the MOOCAprender en la apertura: el camino perdido de los MOOC
(Digital Education Review, 2020)
Learning Analytics in 21st century education: a review
(Revista Ensaio: Avaliação E Políticas Públicas Em Educação, 2017-12)
MOOC in a timeline: a systematic literature reviewLos MOOC en la línea del tiempo: una revisión sistemática de literatura
(Revista de Educación a Distancia, 4/30/2021)