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dc.contributor.authorBarrios Altamiranda, Aura Lucia
dc.contributor.authorCorrea Narváez, Jesús Miguel
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dc.description127 Páginas.es_CO
dc.description.abstractThis article reports on an exploratory qualitative study that aims at helping a group of twenty young learners to develop vocabulary for speaking performance through self-directed learning tasks supported by ICT. The strategy selected allowed students to work with real tasks while interacting with others to promote communication. The study lasted ten weeks and was carried out at the private school “Institución Educativa Comfacor” located in Monteria (Cordoba), a city in the northern coast of Colombia. In order to assess the impact of the strategy proposed, a mixed method design was followed and also supported by questionnaires, observation logs, class observation checklists, teacher journals and students’ self-assessment checklists. Cross tabulation and coding procedures were used to analyze the data collected. The results revealed that the influence of self- directed learning task through ICT in the development of the students’ vocabulary had positive effects in their speaking performance. Additionally, it was found that by promoting self-directed learning actions such as self-monitoring, self- and peer-assessment, students can produce effective linguistic performances.​​​es_CO
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.sourceUniversidad de La Sabana
dc.sourceIntellectum Repositorio Universidad de La Sabana
dc.subjectAprendizaje abierto
dc.subjectEnseñanza con ayuda de computadores
dc.subjectPrueba de vocabulario
dc.titleSelf-directed learning tasks through ICT in the development of vocabulary for speaking performancees_CO
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés para el Aprendizaje Autodirigidoes_CO
dc.publisher.departmentDepartamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjerases_CO
dc.type.localTesis de maestría
dc.creator.degreeMagíster en Didáctica del Inglés para el Aprendizaje Autodirigidoes_CO

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