Relationship between gratitude, life satisfaction, and resilience in colombian adults: A comparison by gender and income
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DOI: 10.14718/ACP.2024.27.1.8
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Betancourt-Salamanca S.; Ávila-Nivia N.; Mena-Borrero N.D.; Sánchez-Ruales N.; Ruiz-Castillo C.T.; Varela-Jaramillo M.; Munévar F.R.Fecha
Gratitude has been considered a protective factor against various mental illnesses, providing individuals with heightened positive feelings towards life, thereby promoting well-being. However, little exploration has been conducted on its relationship with life satisfaction and resilience. Therefore, the objective of this research was to identify whether there is a relationship between gratitude, resilience, and life satisfaction and to compare these factors based on gender and income among Colombian adults. A quantitative, nonexperimental study with correlational scope was conducted. The Gratitude Questionnaire (G-20), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 10), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were administered to a sample of 1099 Colombian partici-pants, including 123 men, 971 women, and 5 others. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 67 years, with the majority earning monthly incomes between 400,000 COP-900,000 COP (96.06 USD-218.07 USD). The results revealed high levels of gratitude, resilience, and life satisfaction. Comparatively, no differences were found between men and women. Participants with higher incomes exhibited greater levels of gratitude and life satisfaction compared to those with lower incomes. Furthermore, strong positive correlations were found between gratitude, resilience, and life satisfaction. In conclusion, gratitude can be considered a favorable aspect for health, quality of life, and the improvement of other psychological conditions © 2024, Acta Colomb. Psicol. All rights reserved.
Acta Colombiana de Psicologia vol. 27 n. 1 p. 153-166
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