Mejoramiento del proceso comercial con miras a la implementación del sistema de recursos empresariales (ERP) ADN– Caso de estudio compañía Tecnología Informática SAS.
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Figueredo Medina, Manuel AlfredoData
Tecnología Informática SAS, empresa comercializadora de soluciones tecnológicas presenta problemas asociados a la gestión de ventas dado que, durante el último año, 1 de cada 10 clientes manifiesta inconformidades debido a retrasos en las entregas y discordancias con los productos y servicios recibidos, además de, un aumento de los costos imprevistos generados por errores durante el desarrollo del proceso comercial, derivado de la ausencia de sistematización de tareas operativas. Given the rapid evolution of technology in the era of digital transformation,
companies are forced to redefine the processes that support their business
model, through the application of process redesign strategies or business
architecture, with the purpose of stay competitive and constantly growing. Many
of these strategies are supported by the different technological solutions
available, including information systems that are highly relevant for their ability to
integrate and generate more efficient information flows, greater control of
activities and streamline decision-making.
This project is aimed at the case study of the company Tecnología Informática
SAS, a company dedicated to the commercialization of technological solutions in
Colombia, which constantly seeks to strengthen and streamline its processes in
order to leverage its strategic objective in sales. As a starting point, problems
associated with the commercial process that have compromised the promise of
value to its customers were identified, which are intended to be revoewed in this
project as: islands of information, lack of integration of business units and
reprocesses derived from manual activities causing delays in the main flow of the
organization, due, in part, to the wastage of the capacity of the current information
systems and, on the other hand, the absence of control points and monitoring of
essential activities of the process.
Due to the above, this project focuses on the improvement of the business
process of Information Technology SAS under reference frameworks and good
industry practices with a view to the implementation of the enterprise resource
system (ERP).