Experiencias de aprendizaje de la competencia comunicativa del intensivista durante los turnos nocturnos
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10818/48840Compartir
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La comunicación es la competencia más importante dentro del profesionalismo del intensivista. Permite mejorar la atención y desenlaces de los pacientes, así como la satisfacción de sus familiares. Además, optimiza el ambiente trabajo por ende mayor bienestar para los trabajadores y menor burnout. Se enseña principalmente de manera informal; en contraposición con las recomendaciones de la literatura. La literatura recomienda su enseñanza formal y explicita dentro de un currículo, esta se puede dar espacios de tiempo reducido, pero con una mayor interacción entre docente y residente, una menor carga administrativa y la posibilidad de otorgar mayor responsabilidad al residente. Estas características las podemos encontrar en los turnos nocturnos dentro de la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo. Este estudio busca identificar las características de las experiencias que viven los residentes alrededor del aprendizaje de la competencia comunicativa, para reforzar los facilitadores y generar propuestas de mejora para las barreras y finalmente plantear unas recomendaciones para la enseñanza formal de esta vital competencia dentro de un programa de Cuidado Intensivo. Introduction: Communication is the most important competence within the professionalism of the intensivist.
It allows improving the care and outcomes of patients, as well as the satisfaction of their families. In addition,
it optimizes the work environment therefore greater well-being for workers and less burnout. It is taught mainly
informally; in contrast to the recommendations of the literature. The literature recommends its formal and
explicit teaching within a curriculum, this can be given reduced time spaces, but with greater interaction between
teacher and resident, less administrative burden and the possibility of granting greater responsibility to the
resident. These characteristics can be found in night shifts within the Intensive Care Unit. This study seeks to
identify the characteristics of the experiences that residents live around the learning of communicative
competence, to reinforce the facilitators and generate proposals for improvement for the barriers and finally
make recommendations for the formal teaching of this vital competence within a program Intensive Care.
Methodology: A qualitative study was carried out under a participatory action research approach. 9 participants
were selected for convenience within an intensive care residence who perform shifts in a specific ICU during
their career. Their participation was voluntary and anonymous. Data collection was done by photovoice. The
study was developed in 5 phases or meetings: Phase 0, presentation of the protocol to ethics and research
committees; Phase 1, contextualization and ethical aspects workshop; Phase 2, discussion of the photographs
taken and construction of narratives; Phase 3, analysis and elaboration of categories and Phase 4, presentation
of results to decision makers. The thematic analysis was divided into two phases, one carried out by the
participants from the photographs and one carried out by the researcher from these initial codes, the transcripts
of the meetings and the existing literature.