INALDE Business School
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Submissões recentes
Human resource management practices and innovation in Colombian firms
(Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2022) -
Mandatory conciliation: An alternative for conflict resolution in Colombia
(Ciudad Paz-ando, 2022) -
Automation in Colombia: assessing skills needed for the future of work
(Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 09/03/2020) -
FRCM Reinforcement Systems in Historical Masonries of Savuto Castle, Italy
(Journal of Architectural Engineering, 2019) -
Microbiota and skin defense peptides may facilitate coexistence of two sympatric Andean frog species with a lethal pathogen
(The Isme Journal, 25/09/2018) -
Corporate Governance Compliance: an Analysis for Colombian Family and Non-Family Businesses
(Revista Lasallista de Investigación, 17/12/2020) -
Flow shop scheduling problem with position-dependent processing times
(Computers & Operations Research, 2019) -
Against Radical Enactivism’s narrowmindedness about phenomenality
(Radical Views on Cognition, 2021) -
Relief operations as a multi-project: Colombian case
(Dyna, 24/05/2019) -
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Starch Utilization Promotes Quercetin Degradation and Butyrate Production by Eubacterium ramulus
(Frontiers in microbiology, 29/05/2019) -
Ownership Governance Practices and their Influence on Family Businesses Financial Performance
(Ownership Governance Practices and their Influence on Family Businesses Financial Performance, 2020) -
Cost–benefit relationship of keeping dantrolene stocks from the point of view of healthcare institutions
(Colombian Journal of Anestesiology, 2020) -
The role of family dynamics and culture in the psychological ownership of family shareholders in family businesses
(Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle), 13/02/2021) -
CEO Duality and Firm Value: Evidence from Mexico
(Entramado, 17/01/2021) -
Board of directors and performance: An analysis of perceptions in family businesses
(Suma de Negocios, 2019) -
Initial informality as an obstacle to intellectual capital acquisitions: Empirical evidence from Latin America
(ournal of Intellectual Capital, 26/05/2019) -
The impact of different forms of organisational support and work–life balance in Chile and Colombia
(Emerald Insight, 29/11/2022)