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Enfoques de AICLE en la educaci�n: �oportunidades, desaf�os o amenazas?;
Abordagens de AICL/CLIL na educa��o: oportunidades, desafios ou riscos?

dc.contributor.authorSylvester Mcdougald, Jermaine
dc.date.accessioned07/24/2018 14:38:45
dc.date.available07/24/2018 14:38:45
dc.description14 p�ginases_CO
dc.description.abstractEducation has always brought about challenges in society for as long as_x000D_ we can remember. However, when variables such as bilingualism or even_x000D_ focusing on content and language integration are added, what comes_x000D_ next is no mystery. Many educators, regardless of their field, have come_x000D_ across many different hurdles in the classroom, from preschool to higher_x000D_ education. Nevertheless, they have always seemed to overcome these_x000D_ challenges through research, training, policy, creativity and plain old innovation._x000D_ This does not come as a surprise, since the success of any nation_x000D_ is related to how educated their citizens are. Nations invests enormous_x000D_ amounts of their GDP (1.6 % to 12.8%, according to the World Bank, 2016)_x000D_ on education and new policy in language development and even more on_x000D_ research. There is no set price on education; however, it would be much_x000D_ costlier to a nation if they did not invest in education, since it is a fundamental_x000D_ right that everyone has and it is of vital importance for the future_x000D_ of any country (Global Economic Symposium, 2012).en
dc.publisherLACLIL Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learninges_CO
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLACLIL Vol. 9 No. 2 July-December 2016
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.sourceUniversidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.sourceIntellectum Repositorio Universidad de La Sabanaes_CO
dc.subjectMultiple intelligenceses_CO
dc.subjectSystematic reviewes_CO
dc.titleCLIL Approaches in Education: Opportunities, Challenges, or Threats?en
dc.titleEnfoques de AICLE en la educaci�n: �oportunidades, desaf�os o amenazas?es_CO
dc.titleAbordagens de AICL/CLIL na educa��o: oportunidades, desafios ou riscos?es_CO
dc.typejournal articlees_CO

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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalExceto quando indicado o contrário, a licença deste item é descrito como Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International