Phantasia logistike - en la configuración del deseo en Aristóteles
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En De Anima III 10, Aristóteles introduce la noción de phantasía logistikē como uno de los principios de la acción racional. A partir de la exposición de algunos textos del De Anima y de Ética a Nicómaco, se busca interpretar el lugar de aquel tipo de imaginación en el razonamiento práctico. Para ello, se presenta primero la doctrina aristotélica de los principios de la acción y la problemática de su articulación, y luego se discute el papel de la imaginación racional en la configuración del objeto del deseo.
In De Anima III 10, Aristotle introduces the notion of phantasía logistikē as one of the principles of rational action. On the basis of some texts from De Anima and the Nicomachean Ethics, the paper seeks to interpret the place of that type of imagination in practical reasoning. To that effect, it first sets forth Aristotle's doctrine regarding the principles of action and the issue of their articulation, and then goes on to discuss the role of rational imagination in the configuration of the object of desire. In De Anima III 10, Aristotle introduces the notion of phantasía logistikē as one
of the principles of rational action. On the basis of some texts from De Anima
and the Nicomachean Ethics, the paper seeks to interpret the place of that type
of imagination in practical reasoning. To that effect, it first sets forth Aristotle’s
doctrine regarding the principles of action and the issue of their articulation, and
then goes on to discuss the role of rational imagination in the configuration of the
object of desire.
Ideas y Valores Vol. 62, Núm. 152 (2013)