%0 Generic %A Arroyo A. %A Tejeda M. %A Tapias C. %A Rodríguez D. %A Sáenz L.C. %8 2022 %@ 1205633 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/59957 %X The percutaneous implantation of a left ventricular pacing electrode through the coronary sinus for cardiac resynchronization has always been a challenge, especially in patients with a complex coronary venous anatomy. This case shows how double cannulation of the coronary sinus using a multisnare catheter allows a left ventricular pacing electrode to be placed through retrograde access to a stenotic posterolateral vein, with a good clinical outcome. © 2020 Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular. %I Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia %T Implant of a left ventricular pacing electrode by double cannulation of the coronary sinus, snare technique and retrograde access of the posterolateral vein %T Implante de un electrodo de estimulación ventricular izquierdo mediante doble canulación del seno coronario, técnica de snare y acceso retrógrado de la vena posterolateral %R 10.24875/RCCAR.M22000132 %~ Intellectum