%0 Generic %A Sánchez P. %A Rodríguez L.C. %A Bastidas N. %8 2023 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/59820 %X Enteric T-lymphoma subtype has an incidence of 0.5/1 million inhabitants per year. The most common presentation is Type I that represents 80-90% of cases common in western countries.Type II present in 10-20% of cases, not associated with celiac disease and more frequent in Asian countries according to the WHO classification and was the subtype presented by the case patient which is extremely rare in Western countries and no cases have been described in Colombia.The importance of describing this case is to set a precedent of the existence in our country and to suspect the disease whit a similar clinical. © 2023 Sociedad Mexicana de Oncología. %I Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia %T Acute abdomen as initial manifestation of intestinal t-type non-Hodgkin lymphoma: case report %T Abdomen agudo como manifestación inicial de linfoma intestinal tipo T no Hodgkin: reporte de caso %R 10.24875/j.gamo.23000006 %~ Intellectum