%0 Thesis %A Molano Bello, José Alejandro %8 2023-02-11 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/54345 %X El presente trabajo plantea y propone a la Maestría en Dirección y Gestión de Instituciones Educativas de Universidad de La Sabana, la elaboración y desarrollo de un aporte o complemento a su Seminario Internacional (el curso) denominado "Antropología de la Acción Directiva" propuesta expresada en tres aspectos: curricular, contenido temático y oferta virtual del curso completo. En razón de que el actual curso es sólo presencial, lo que lleva al investigador a identificar que se desaprovecha todo el potencial de las herramientas TIC ya que dichas herramientas facultan a los participantes a comprender mejor los temas tratados; además, muchos que lo estudian se encuentran lejos del campus de Chía - Cundinamarca y las TIC podrían generar espacios académicos para una mejor atención y altos niveles de comprensión de los contenidos del curso o seminario esencial de la Maestría en Dirección Educativa. %X This paper suggests and proposes to the Master program on Direction and Educational Institution Management from La Sabena University, the development and contribution to your International Seminar (the course) called "Anthropology of Management Action". Proposal expressed in three aspects: curriculum, thematic content and an online full course from the university and the compiler. The proposed content and curriculum comes from a forthcoming-strategic study given by the analysis and from attending two and reflecting material in total of four courses or seminars already given semesters spent in the master's degree by different and recognized suitable teachers of the expressed area. Thanks to the participation in them and with online help, Online modality is offered to support the course and to serve as a pillar for the teacher who may well masterfully direct and with a plus of more elements the seminar. By this way, the target teacher from the Course or Seminar on Anthropology of Management Action, experiences a more complete systemic and systematic process with all the appropriateness possible thanks to the support material. With elements of innovation, typical of the virtual contribution, all for its academic growth in the mainly anthropological field and then in each stage of the course content (with deep but manageable elements for professionals from various academic branches that are the target of the course), looking for in them a deep and self implicating knowledge of the human being and his act. Likewise, comprehensive contributions on the philosophy of education that is combined in human action and, finally, leading to a fuller understanding of management action and its anthropological maxims applicable to its Institutional work, in order to touch and strategically intervene in the educational and contextual structures they experience in their daily work. %I Universidad de La Sabana %T Propuesta para complementar el seminario de antropología de la acción directiva de la Maestría en Dirección y Gestión de Instituciones Educativas de la Universidad de La Sabana %~ Intellectum