%0 Generic %A Ghitis Jaramillo, Tatiana %A V�squez, Alexander Alba %8 2017-11-06 %@ 1607-4041 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/43835 %X The purpose of this article is to present future educators� perception of the need for, use of, and importance of implementing ICT, and the training required for teaching practices that use technological tools. The study followed a qualitative approach, and is descriptive in scope with a cross-sectional design that includes quantitative data collection. Information was collected through a questionnaire and focus groups. The population comprised 175 undergraduate students of early childhood education, with a stratified random sample of 100 students. The main finding is that although the students surveyed are digital natives from the Millennial generation, when reflecting on their professional practice they did not see technology as having potential as an educational tool, which may be considered an obstacle for teaching. %X El prop�sito de este art�culo es dar a conocer la percepci�n de futuros educadores sobre la necesidad, uso e importancia de implementaci�n y la formaci�n requerida para una pr�ctica pedag�gica que incluya las herramientas tecnol�gicas como mediaciones did�cticas. La investigaci�n se realiz� bajo un enfoque cualitativo con alcance descriptivo y dise�o transeccional que incluye recolecci�n de datos cuantitativos. Los instrumentos de recolecci�n de informaci�n fueron un cuestionario y grupos focales. La poblaci�n se conform� por 175 estudiantes de licenciatura en educaci�n inicial, con un muestreo aleatorio estratificado de 100 estudiantes. El principal hallazgo indica que aunque los estudiantes encuestados pertenecen a la generaci�n millenial y son nativos digitales, al reflexionar sobre su pr�ctica profesional no ven un uso potencial de la tecnolog�a como herramienta did�ctica, lo que puede considerarse como un obst�culo para la ense�anza. %I Revista Electr�nica de Investigaci�n Educativa %K Tecnolog�a educacional %K Formaci�n profesional superior %K Educaci�n de la primera infancia %K Percepci�n social %T Perceptions of Future Teachers on the Use of Technology in Early Childhood Education %T Percepciones de futuros docentes sobre el uso de tecnolog�a en educaci�n inicial %R 1010.24320/redie.2019.21.e23.2034 %~ Intellectum