@misc{10818/45075, year = {2020}, month = {10}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/45075}, abstract = {El presente proyecto de grado es el resultado de un trabajo investigativo realizado en Aspaen Colegio Juanambú con un grupo de estudiantes de grado Noveno. El proyecto busca evaluar la eficacia de una metodología de Aula Invertida (Flipped Classroom) en un entorno de enseñanza secundaria. Dentro de los cuatro pilares enunciados en la teoría del pensamiento computacional, se encuentra la abstracción, o la capacidad de identificar elementos claves, como variables, ciclos, condicionales, entre otros, dentro de los problemas asignados para poder diseñar una solución computacional. En años anteriores se han evidenciado dificultades por parte de los estudiantes en el desarrollo de esta habilidad y por ende en el aprendizaje de lenguajes de programación formales como lo es el lenguaje C. Durante las siete semanas.}, abstract = {This undergraduate project is the result of a research carried out at Aspaen Colegio Juanambú with a group of ninth grade students. The project seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of a Flipped Classroom methodology in a secondary school environment. Among the four pillars stated in the Computational Thinking theory, is abstraction, or the skill to identify key elements, such as variables, loops, conditionals, among others, within the problems assigned to be able to design a computational solution. In previous years, difficulties have been shown on the part of students, in the development of this skill and thus in learning formal programming languages such as C language. During the seven weeks of intervention, three strategies were implemented where students did a review of audiovisual material at home and during class time, they applied what they learned through a teacher-led practice. This made it possible to address the assigned curriculum more effectively. This whole process is carried out under the modality of research-action using as observation instruments, a field diary, a reflection journal and some mixed questionnaires that allowed us to make an assessment of the skill of abstraction in students and that would give a light to the future of teaching programming in the institution.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Diseño e implementación de una propuesta para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional basada en la metodología de aula invertida}, author = {Echeverry Franco, Gustavo Humberto}, }