@masterThesis{10818/43407, year = {2020}, month = {8}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/43407}, abstract = {Dementia is considered an acute public health problem due to the increment in life expectancy. Patients with this disease present multiple comorbidities or sociodemographic conditions which have shown to increase their mortality rates. OBJECTIVE: Determine the effects of dementia and anti-dementia treatment medications in the survival rate of patients in Colombia after 1- and 3-years post-hospitalization. METHODOLOGY: Using administrative data of the reported patients hospitalized during the year 2016, patients were divided between dementia and non-dementia groups and were follow-up until December 31 st, 2018. Unadjusted mortality and adjusted by the most common comorbidities were analysed. Kaplan Meier curves, Log Rank test and COX regression using matching techniques by the propension index were used to establish the survival rates after 1- and 3-years post-hospitalization. To establish the frequency of the events associated with the comorbidities in the Charlson index, ICD 10 diagnosis, CUPS procedures and prescribed pharmaceuticals were studied.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Effect of dementia and its treatment on survival in hospitalized patients}, author = {Díaz Dussan, Natalia Andrea and Oliveros Rodríguez, Henry and Guzmán Sabogal, Yahira}, }