@misc{10818/33165, year = {2016}, month = {9}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/33165}, abstract = {This paper describes the qualitative results of a study that aimed to identify developments, trends and opportunities for innovation in relation to the theory of multiple intelligences applied to the curriculum. A systematic review of the literature was conducted, using a strategy based on the snowball selection technique and a rigorously search strategy. The sample consisted of 244 publications produced between 1983 and 2015. The results obtained allow to identify the advances in terms of teaching models based on the theory; roles and actions that a teacher inspired by this approach applies; educational activities and teaching resources; criteria, strategies and instruments of assessment, and application experiences in real contexts. From this, the state of research is analyzed and evidence-based theoretical elaborations are generated with a clear practical guidance.}, publisher = {Revista de Psicodid�ctica}, keywords = {Inteligencias m�ltiples}, keywords = {Pedagog�a}, keywords = {Curr�culo}, keywords = {Revisi�n sistem�tica}, title = {Multiple Intelligences and Curriculum Implementation: Progress, Trends and Opportunities}, title = {Inteligencias m�ltiples e implementaci�n del curr�culo: avances, tendencias y oportunidades}, doi = {1010.1387/RevPsicodidact.15614}, author = {D�az Posada, Leidy Evelyn and Varela Londo�o, Sandra Patricia and Rodr�guez Burgos, Lilian Patricia}, }