@article{10818/28628, year = {1997}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10818/28628}, abstract = {This article introduces new definitions of such concepts as education, pcdagogy, fundamental pcdagogy and the philosophy of education. In addition,the author propases that pcdagogical knowledge contains operative and practical principIes. In order to overcomc the crises, it is imperative to promote new attitudes in accordance with new pedagogical knowledge}, abstract = {L' auleur de I'artide propose'de nouvelles définitions de notions eomme I'édueation, pédagogic,pédagogie fondamentale et la philosophic de I'édueation. Se Ion cette inlerprétation le savoir pédagogique régit les principes généraux en ce qui concerne la pratiquc. Pour supérer la erise il est indipensable fomentcr les nouvelles attitudes, conformément au savoir pédagogique nouveau.}, publisher = {Universidad de La Sabana}, title = {Presupuestos epistemológicos de la pedagogía fundamental: análisis a la luz de los distintos discursos pedagógicos}, author = {Vélez Ramírez, Amparo}, }