TY - GEN AU - Mejia, Rossana AU - Velez, Patricia AU - Avila, Luz Mabel AU - Pernett, Frank AU - Giraldo, Luis Fernando AU - Amaya, Betty AU - Mejia, Adriana AU - LondoƱo John AU - Valle, Rafael PY - 2003 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10818/57857 AB - Due to the concern caused by chronic osteomyelitis and the social and work problems that this disease entails, we set out to carry out a medical-orthopedic treatment protocol that we have implemented and developed with the collaboration of Dr. Cesar... AB - Debido a la preocupacion que produce la osteomielitis cronica y los problemas sociales y laborales que conlleva esta enfermedad, nos propusimos sacar adelante un protocolo de tratamiento medico-ortopedico que hemos implementando y desarrollado con la... LA - spa PB - Rev. colomb. reumatol, KW - Lavagem Broncoalveolar KW - Escleroderma Sistemico/diagnostico KW - Escleroderma Sistemico/enzimologia KW - Escleroderma Sistemico/tratamento farmacologico KW - Escleroderma Sistemico/terapia KW - Bronchoalveolar lavagem KW - Systemic scleroderma/diagnosis KW - Systemic scleroderma/enzymology KW - Systemic scleroderma/drug treatment KW - Systemic scleroderma/therapy TI - Correlation between cytokine levels in bronchoalveolar lavage in a cohort of patients from the Central Military Hospital with systemic sclerosis (SS), with and without alveolitis / Cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage in a patient with systemic sclerosis ER -