TY - GEN AU - Emura, FabianMD.PhD.FASGE AU - Mejía, Juan.MD AU - DonneysEcE, Alberto AU - RicaurteMD, Orlando AU - SabbaghMD, Luis AU - CadavidMD, Luis Giraldo AU - Oda, Ichiro AU - Saito,Yutaka AU - Osorio, Camilo PY - 2015 SN - 0121-5256 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10818/50143 AB - Large multicenter gastric cancer endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) studies conducted at major Japanese institutions have reported en bloc resection, en bloc tumor-free margin resection, and curative resection rates of 92.7% to 96.1%, 82.6% to... AB - Antecedentes Grandes estudios multicentricos de diseccion submucosa endoscopica (ESD) de cancer gastrico realizados en las principales instituciones japonesas han informado tasas de reseccion en bloque, reseccion de margen libre de tumor en bloque y... LA - eng PB - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy KW - EGCearly gastric cancer KW - ESDendoscopic submucosal KW - DissectionHGD KW - High-grade KW - Dysplasia TI - Therapeutic outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection of differentiated early gastric cancer in a Western endoscopy setting (with video) DO - 10.1016/j.gie.2015.03.1960 ER -