TY - JOUR AU - Martínez Lucena, Jorge PY - 2017 SN - 0122-8285 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10818/31068 AB - Las series de television contemporaneas estan teniendo un gran exito e influencia en nuestras sociedades posmodernas. El fenomeno del zombi tambien esta consiguiendo audiencias cada dia mas grandes. Tal vez, esta es la razon por la que el numero de... AB - Contemporary TV series are having a great success and influence in our postmodern societies. The zombie phenomenon is getting everyday bigger audiences as well. Perhaps, this is the reason why the number of TV series about zombies is also growing.... LA - spa PB - Universidad de La Sabana KW - Antropologia KW - Series de television KW - Ciencia ficcion -- Aspectos sociales KW - Derrida KW - anthropology KW - human KW - The Walking Dead TI - ‘Estamos todos infectados’ El imaginario derridiano del evento humano en The Walking Dead T2 - ‘We Are All Infected’ The Derridian Imaginary of the Human Event in The Walking Dead DO - 10.5294/pacla.2017.20.2.2 ER -