TY - GEN AU - José Barrios Taborda O AU - Edward Valencia Marulanda J AU - Fernanda Sierra Garzón L AU - Alirio Restrepo Bastidas A AU - Flórez M.A AU - María Giraldo Montoya Á. PY - 2024 SN - 18145469 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10818/62196 AB - Pulmonary aspergillosis, caused by the opportunistic fungus Aspergillus, primarily affects immunocompromisedindividuals.Thisreportpresentsthreecases:An18-year-oldfemalewithacuteleukemia developed respiratory distress and bilateral "tree-in-bud"... LA - eng PB - Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana KW - Antineoplastic agent KW - Clarithromycin KW - Corticosteroid KW - Galactomannan KW - Meropenem KW - Oxygen KW - Sultamicillin KW - Voriconazole KW - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia KW - Adult KW - Antibiotic therapy TI - Pulmonary aspergillosis, an approach to clinical and radiological manifestations. Report of three cases DO - 10.25176/RFMH.v24i2.6098 ER -