%0 Generic %A Barraza-Leones O.C %A Coronado-Sarmiento J.F %A Valdivieso-Rueda E %A Barrera-León Ó.J %A Ramos-Clason E.C. %8 2024 %@ 97411 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/61989 %X Background: “Rendez-vous” (RV) technique is a mixed-technique which uses both laparoscopic and endoscopic skills; however, the evidence is contradictory regarding the implementation of this technique or the 2-step sequential technique (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP] followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy [LC]) in the management of cholecysto-choledocholitiasis. Objective: To estimate the association between the implementation of RV technique and the presence of post-surgical complications as primary outcome, using as comparator the 2-step sequential technique. Method: An observational, analytical, retrospective study was conducted, using as exposed cohort the medical records from patients with a diagnosis of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, or mild biliary pancreatitis. The exposed cohort underwent RV technique, while the unexposed cohort were those which underwent two step technique. Results: There was a lower post-surgical complication rate in the RV group (0%) compared with the 10.1% (p = 0.3617) in the control group. Also, RV technique showed a lesser hospitalization time (p = 0.0377) and a lesser post-surgical hospitalization time (p < 0.0001) Conclusions: RV technique is superior when compared with the 2-step sequential technique (ERCP followed by LC), based on a better surgical success rate, a fewer complications rate and less hospitalization time. © 2021 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía. %I Cirugia y Cirujanos (English Edition) %T Evaluation of post-surgical complications between “Rendez-vous” technique vs. standard care in patients with choledocholithiasis [Evaluación de complicaciones posquirúrgicas de la técnica «Rendez-vous» vs. el manejo estándar en pacientes con coledocolitiasis] %R 10.24875/CIRU.21000192 %~ Intellectum