%0 Generic %A Lensen S %A Paramanandam V.S %A Gabes M %A Kann G %A Donhauser T %A Waters N.F %A Li A.D %A Peate M %A Susanto N.S %A Caughey L.E %A Rangoonwal F %A Liu J %A Condron P %A Anagnostis P %A Archer D.F %A Avis N.E %A Bell R.J %A Carpenter J.S %A Chedraui P %A Christmas M %A Davies M %A Hillard T %A Hunter M.S %A Iliodromiti S %A Jaff N.G %A Jaisamrarn U %A Joffe H. %8 2024 %@ 10723714 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/61944 %X Objective The aim of the study is to identify suitable definitions and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to assess each of the six core outcomes previously identified through the COMMA (Core Outcomes in Menopause) global consensus process relating to vasomotor symptoms: frequency, severity, distress/bother/interference, impact on sleep, satisfaction with treatment, and side effects. Methods A systematic review was conducted to identify relevant definitions for the outcome of side-effects and PROMs with acceptable measurement properties for the remaining five core outcomes. The consensus process, involving 36 participants from 16 countries, was conducted to review definitions and PROMs and make final recommendations for the measurement of each core outcome. Results A total of 21,207 publications were screened from which 119 reporting on 40 PROMs were identified. Of these 40 PROMs, 36 either did not adequately map onto the core outcomes or lacked sufficient measurement properties. Therefore, only four PROMs corresponding to two of the six core outcomes were considered for recommendation. We recommend the Hot Flash Related Daily Interference Scale to measure the domain of distress, bother, or interference of vasomotor symptoms and to capture impact on sleep (one item in the Hot Flash Related Daily Interference Scale captures interference with sleep). Six definitions of "side effects"were identified and considered. We recommend that all trials report adverse events, which is a requirement of Good Clinical Practice. Conclusions We identified suitable definitions and PROMs for only three of the six core outcomes. No suitable PROMs were found for the remaining three outcomes (frequency and severity of vasomotor symptoms and satisfaction with treatment). Future studies should develop and validate PROMs for these outcomes. © Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. %I Menopause %T Recommended measurement instruments for menopausal vasomotor symptoms: the COMMA (Core Outcomes in Menopause) consortium %R 10.1097/GME.0000000000002370 %~ Intellectum