%0 Generic %A Rengifo C %A Novoa M.P %A Cobo M %A Figueredo M. %8 2024 %@ 23523409 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/61883 %X The data presented in this article is generated by a steady-state simulation for performing a techno-economic assessment for comparing three electrolysis technologies in the PtM context. The data is focused on two aspects. First, the description of the steady-state simulation of six PtM systems modeled using Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM) and Aspen Plus (AP). Second, an economic assessment is carried out for each of the mentioned PtM systems to compare the feasibility, the profitability and performance of these systems on a larger scale to produce synthetic natural gas, power generation and carbon utilization given in the main research article. Three electrolysis technologies (namely Alkaline Electrolysis - AE, Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis - PEME and Solid Oxide Electrolysis - SOE) were modeled having in mind two methane applications: a combined cycle for power generation and the syngas generation. In addition, on each PtM system is carried out an economic evaluation by calculating fixed capital investment (FCI) and manufacturing costs (MC). © 2024 The Authors %I Data in Brief %T Data from steady-state simulation and economic evaluation in the power to methane context for synthetic natural gas production and power generation %R 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110765 %~ Intellectum