%0 Thesis %A Otálora Castañeda, Martha Johanna %8 2023-10-26 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/59538 %X Optometry in Colombia is a relatively new branch of the health sector since in its beginnings in the country those who treated vision diseases were doctors specialized in Ophthalmology, only until 1934, when the first optics in Colombia was inaugurated, did it have (Betsy, 2008)professionals dedicated exclusively to the study of vision and its pathologies, all coming from abroad since at the national level there were no universities that had a career in optometry. In 1966, (Jaramillo et al., 2014)the first optometry faculty was inaugurated at the University of La Salle and with this the beginning of an important health and economic sector for Colombia. As for the Colombian regulation, it has had several iterations for the regulations related to the profession, the most recent came out in 1997 Law 372 "which again regulates the profession by providing more tools to the Optometrist for the management of primary care, it is In other words, the Optometrist is allowed to use ophthalmic medications for the treatment of pathologies of the anterior segment of the eye (Jaramillo et al., 2014). Which broadened the spectrum of performance of the optometrist in the labor field. %I Universidad de La Sabana %T Capstone iMBA academic track case study pyo ophthalmics %~ Intellectum