%0 Thesis %A Padilla Sanjuan, Sunilda %A Valiente Constante, Pablo Rafael %8 2022-02-09 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/51019 %X Las concepciones sobre la convivencia escolar son múltiples y diversas, tanto docentes, como estudiantes, padres de familia y directivos poseen diferentes maneras de comprender la convivencia. Para el caso específico de Colombia la Ley 1620 – 2013 crea el sistema nacional de convivencia escolar y formación para el ejercicio de los derechos humanos, ha permitido la generación de estrategias de gestión para mejorar la convivencia escolar en la Institución Educativa Distrital Familia de Nazaret y la institución educativa nuestra señora del pilar, para mediar, conducir y hacer seguimiento a la convivencia escolar. Por tal motivo con la presente investigación se busca propiciar espacios de formación, reflexión y acción, con base a los resultados del estudio; así como generar acciones relevantes sobre los procesos de participación, inclusión y convivencia en el contexto escolar. %X The conceptions about school coexistence are multiple and diverse, both teachers, students, parents and directors have different ways of understanding coexistence. For the specific case of Colombia, Law 1620 - 2013 creates the national system of school coexistence and training for the exercise of human rights, which has allowed the generation of management strategies to improve school coexistence in the Family District Educational Institution of Nazaret and Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Pilar, to mediate, lead and monitor school coexistence. For this reason, this research seeks to promote spaces for training, reflection and action, based on the results of the study; as well as generating relevant actions on the processes of participation, inclusion and coexistence in the school context. The subject of coexistence is presented in the relationships between students becomes a subject of reflection, while looking for strategies to improve relationships that trigger violence and aggression in students, this is done taking as a theoretical basis the following authors Córdoba , Alamillo, Casas, Ortega (2018), Valdés, López, Chaparro (2019), Cerda, Pérez, Paz, Casas and Del Rey (2019), Del Rey, Casas, Ortega Ruiz (2017), Litichever (2012) and Ochoa , Diez Martínez (2013), which together with the implementation of a qualitative research approach, in addition to a type of applied research, having a participatory action research design and a scope: descriptive. From this perspective, an attempt is made to make conflict a possibility of learning that allows, from reflection, the transition towards the acceptance of differences and therefore their assimilation. Strengthen a harmonious environment of respect, of good treatment by the other and above all of the construction of a society with better guarantees of coexistence. %I Universidad de La Sabana %T Estrategia de gestión educativa para mejorar la convivencia escolar en las instituciones %~ Intellectum