%0 Thesis %A Pinto Jaime, Viviana Andrea %8 2021-03-25 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/47586 %X ​La investigación se propuso describir las prácticas de cuidado que la familia implementa con el adulto mayor. Para ello se realizó un estudio cualitativo, interpretativo, basado en la Teoría fundamentada con diseño emergente. Las técnicas e instrumentos que se emplearon fue la entrevista semiestructurada, con 9 preguntas al cuidador y 13 realizadas al adulto mayor, previamente validados por un experto. Entre los resultados se destacan las prácticas de cuidado que realiza la familia con el adulto mayor. Participaron cuatro adultos mayores con sus respectivos cuidadores. Por medio de su narrativa se logró hacer una codificación abierta y axial, lo cual permitió el surgimiento de dos categorías: a) dimensión física y, b) dimensión psico-social. %X The research aimed to describe the care practices that the family implements with the older adult. To this end, a qualitative, interpretative study was carried out based on grounded theory with emergent design. The techniques and instruments used were the semi-structured interview, with 15 questions to the caregiver and 13 questions to the elderly, previously validated by an expert. Among the results is highlighted that the care practices performed by the family with the older adult. Four older adults with their respective caregivers participated. Through his narrative an open and axial coding was achieved, which allowed the emergence of two categories: a) physical dimension and, b) psycho-social dimension. By way of conclusion and from the biological point of view the carers and the elderly contemplate it from the theory, however, they diversify in the activities in which they put the most emphasis, In the case of the elderly, it enhances the work aimed at the late appearance of physical discomfort, along with a balanced diet, while caregivers highlight the care from the medical care as a procedure and mediation and from the psychosocial dimension, caregivers who have a family bond (daughters), direct their care in the company and in the inclusion of older adults in special moments. They consider this stage as a phase that requires more care and attention, due to its condition and the health situation that forged the Covid-19. %I Universidad de La Sabana %T Prácticas de cuidado familiar informal que se implementan para atender al adulto mayor %~ Intellectum