%0 Thesis %A Bernal Guillermo, Leonor %A Vargas Garces, Nilgen %8 2020-08-21 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/43573 %X En la actualidad, el internet, el auge de las redes sociales y los dispositivos móviles han permitido a la población tener un mayor acceso a información. La expansión rápida de estos tres factores ha permitido la popularización de la influencia, en la medida que cualquier persona puede crear contenido desde cualquier lugar, e inducir corrientes de pensamiento a un grupo de seguidores que se sienten identificados con ese contenido. %X Currently, the internet, the rise of social networks and mobile devices have allowed the population to have greater access to information. The rapid expansion of these three factors has allowed the popularization of influence, since anyone can create content from anywhere, and induce streams of thought to a group of followers who feel identified with that content. Likewise, the irruption of this world of influencers where they can publicly speak and being heard, allowed the resurgence of the concept of “prosumers” established in the 70s, where the line that separates the consumer and producer is blurred as that influencers consume and create information at the same time. This is why the use of non-traditional media has become attractive to companies with the goal of attracting new consumers and generating commitment to brands. %I Universidad de La Sabana %T Efectos del uso de Instagramers como medio no tradicional de mercadeo en la Industria cosmética en Colombia %~ Intellectum