%0 Generic %A C�rdenas T�mara, Felipe %8 2015-11-15 %@ 1695-9752 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10818/33173 %X The work seeks to build theoretical and logical links based on the triadic theory of Charles_x000D_ Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) within the categories of cultural landscape and territory. The_x000D_ article tries to demonstrate how cultural landscapes and territory, as contrastable expressions_x000D_ in the empirical reality, constitute mental models that express complex rich and complicated_x000D_ social nuances and meanings in terms of scienti c readings for anthropology. The_x000D_ work expresses how the spheres of semiotics signi cance allow for a logical, metalogical_x000D_ and dialogical adjustment of the models of environmental interpretation, that exist in the_x000D_ eld of environmental thought and in its readings of territory and culture. %I AIBR: Revista de Antropolog�a Iberoamericana %K Cultural landscape %K Environment %K Environmental thought %K Territory %K Charles Sanders Peirce %K Semiotic Anthropology %T The cultural landscape sign from the horizons of semiotic anthropology %R 10.11156/aibr.110106e %~ Intellectum